Increasing conversion by 44% to ensure customers do not miss out on payments.

Customers were missing payments and incurring fees due to opting out of notifications. We aimed to ensure users received timely, relevant reminders to help them pay on time.

UX Research | Iterative usability testing | Klarna


44% increase in users recieving payment reminders

Within four weeks of initial request we found a 44% increase among users enabling notifications to not miss payments. This conversion translated into a potential revenue uplfit of US 3.960M per year.


Missing out on payments leads to payment fees, which poses as an extra financial burden for customers and for the company. From data we observed that many customers had opted out from payment reminders as notifications. Together with the design lead and product manager, I wanted to understand how we could help users identify their payments early, to avoid paying late fees.


Identify triggers, motivations, needs and painpoints around push notifications.

  • What are the reasons for enabling/not enabling push notifications?

  • How do users perceive the value of, and experience push notifications?



To better understand the problem, we dove into behavioural data around notifications, planned the research aligned with relevant stakeholders and business goals.

Design and validation rounds

We did two rounds of unmoderated usability testing with initial and improved designs within 2 weeks. We validated the improved designs with top markets.

A/B testing and results

We A/B tested three versions of the final design and discovered a 44% increase among customers enabling notifications in the winning design.


Insights report

I produced a final report with all findings relevant to the study including the A/B testing.

Socialising nuggets

I picked out valuable nuggets from the report and socialised these company-wide, to highlight the importance of communicating the right information & design for desired action.

Insights to action

Rapid actionable insights

Working closely with the lead designer by feeding early actionable insights for design iterations.


UXR - Scaling UXR practices